Friday, 19 September 2014

Determination, Then

My subtitle for this blog was too prophetic: the long road to social justice. Sorry about that.

I've just caught up with the feelings the NO vote has generated. A lot of us are despondent, gutted, downhearted. The deepest gloom is the thought that, given the chance, we have given a mandate to the Westminster machine, that we've collectively bottled it.

Maybe that is merely testament to the doubts sown by what was still, in my view, a relentlessly negative NO campaign. Too many people didn't want to take the risk. It is what it is.

The up side is the huge turnout, the clearly deep engagement in the political process. Scotland has spoken. What we have to embrace isn't just this expression of participative democracy, we also have to keep the voice we've found.

This is especially true when we accept that the NO vote has been translated into a YES to new powers. This has thrown a huge task into the laps of the coalition of the identical fronted by Gordon Brown. As I said before, YES or NO, we must use our new voice to ensure these promises are not only kept but the detail of them not yet revealed actually meets our requirements. We have to keep the timetable, make a case for what Devo-something actually delivers. For example, if that means tax raising powers, we should also demand real transparency in tax transfer from Scotland to Westminster, direct tax raising in Scotland (including North Sea oil revenues) not just for additional funding but collecting revenues with powers of retention before transfer to Westminster.

This is crucial because, I believe, for many NO voters, in particular, honouring promises is pivotal. If the proposed extra powers run into the sand, their voices will be heard along with those who said YES. They will be part of one single Scottish voice. Personally, I'm doubtful the powers can be effectively delivered against the background of Westminster in-fighting. We have to try. We've been promised the social justice Scotland aspired to in the UK as a whole. We have to speak out to make sure we get it.

The work goes on. There's even more to be done. We've thrown our hat in the ring. Let's add our voices to that clamour, if only to bring some sense, and share our experience and skill in popular engagement. If we're better together we've all got to make sure we are, together.

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